All News - Page 15

Richard M. Mahon, II featured in New York Super Lawyers Three Years in a Row

Call 845-764-4273 to speak with an attorney at our Newburgh, New York, law firm. Our general practice covers almost all legal needs.


Sarita A. Bhandarkar Joins Firm As An Associate

Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, PLLC, is a Hudson Valley personal injury, business law and criminal defense law firm. Call 888-719-4746.


Seamus P. Weir Joins Firm as an Associate

Catania, Mahon & Rider, PLLC is pleased to announce Seamus P. Weir has joined the firm as our


Senior Partners Honored by Membership as a Fellow of The Litigation Counsel of America

Call 845-764-4273 to speak with an attorney at our Newburgh, New York, law firm. Our general practice covers almost all legal needs.


Steve J. Milligram Selected For Inclusion In New York Super Lawyers Upstate Edition 6th Year In A Row

Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, PLLC, is a Hudson Valley personal injury, business law and criminal defense law firm. Call 888-719-4746.


Steve Milligram Selected for Super Lawyer - Upstate Edition 2011

Call 845-764-4273 to speak with an attorney at our Newburgh, New York, law firm. Our general practice covers almost all legal needs.
